Category: On-going project

  • ADS project: multifunctional PTZ, Automatic Defense System

    This is a project created for my start-up company, and it is a current fund raising project on IndieGoGo and BiliBili.

    ADS | Indiegogo


    In this project, my main work is to develop a controller board for the system. The ADS needs a camera and IR thermal camera inputs and servo, motor driver. The board requires providing a web server for controlling the system and have access to the cameras’ view.

    Since it is a business project, for security reasons, details will not be explained.

  • Senior design: RRam research – Dynamics electron tunneling

    This research is my senior design project.

    Research resistive RAM (ReRAM) memory cell arrays, focusing on unexpected behavior induced between neighboring cells in a crossbar architecture. Start by using previously designed infrastructure to heat a cell, while measuring the electrical characteristics of its neighboring cells. Then, analyze the results, investigating the cell array limitations. Finally, refine the measuring infrastructure, research goals, and analysis method. The resulting cell limitation analysis will provide a broader ReRAM understanding to progress the memory chip industry.

  • Research: Child robot theater simulator

    This is an ongoing research project, for the CodeS lab located at Virginia Tech (Nov 2022)

    The robot shown now is a testing model. I’m working on a bigger 3D model of NAO robot now. The new 3D model has 20 separate parts and they are movable。

    It’s a 3d robot viewer and simulator created by PyQT5. Continue developing different parts’ positions, bonding relationships, and angle movement.

    This software is developed for CodeS lab for Undergraduate research: Child robot theater. The research is to deliver an intuitive simulator of the robot on a computer to younger kids, giving children a sense of programing on the robot. education-related.

  • Robogrinder: stm32g474 constant power converter and super capacitor

    It’s an ongoing project for Robot development for Robogrinder: an undergraduate engineering design team at Virginia Tech that competes in the DJI RoboMaster University Championship.

    This circuit board is a digital power converter for charging or discharging the super capacitor. STM32 g474 is used as the main controller to provide a precise wave (up to 5.4ghz) to switch MOSFET. Several OPAMP circuits provide the information of input current and voltage to MCU for PID and type3(improvement PID) algorithm.

    This project is developed from an old project also for Robogrinder.

    Robogrinder: two-stage buck-boost-boost DCDC converter with stm32g474, constant power enable

    A super capacitor board is made for the competition as well. 10 super capacitors are implemented and safety circuits for each capacitor to prevent over-charging are on the board.